The Vivid performance series was created by Vanessa Kettler to showcase the art of belly dance in a thoughtful, stylish and respectful manner using a more theatrical setting. Emphasis is placed on supporting the creativity of each artist involved. Virtual Vivid, the 6th in the series, is a zoom performance originating from Northern California. This show is unusual in that each artist not only dances for us in a performance setting but also shares secrets about their connection to this fascinating art form. Many of the dancers involved have decades of experience performing as well as teaching.
Performers are all from California and include:
Dhyanis, Novato,
Ma*Shuqa Mira Murjan, Los Gatos,
Kimberly Charp, Santa Rosa,
Julie Miyasaki, Mount Shasta,
Theresea Jade and the Jewels of Beladi, Santa Rosa,
TerriAnne Gutierrez and Jowah R.A.W and Dancers of Jahan, Sebastopol,
Magician and illusionist Raymond Hoey with Jessica Yuen-Benevides, Santa Rosa,
Producer of the Vivid series, Samra El Helwa, aka, Vanessa Kettler, Santa Rosa.
Broadcast Sunday, December 19, 2021, 7pm, Pacific Standard Time. Hawaii: Sunday, December 19, 5pm London: Monday, December 20, 3am Berlin: Monday, December 20, 4am Tokyo, Monday, December 20, 12pm Purchase your tickets here!